Template:Unstyled inline syntax

From Bonkipedia


Template documentation
<translate> Not to be confused with</translate> Template:Code<translate>  or</translate> Template:Inline-code.

This template highlights syntax by using the "syntaxhighlight" tag, but it doesn't have a code-element-like style.


{{Inline syntax|1=red { color: red; /* warning color */ } blue { color: blue; /* neutral color */ } green { color: green; /* happy color */ }|lang=css}} returns red { color: red; /* warning color */ } blue { color: blue; /* neutral color */ } green { color: green; /* happy color */ }

{{Inline syntax|1=var foo = document.querySelector('foo'); foo.innerHTML = "foo bar baz";|lang=javascript}} returns var foo = document.querySelector('foo'); foo.innerHTML = "foo bar baz";