
From Bonkipedia
<translate> General Settings</translate>: $wgVersion
MediaWiki version number.
<translate> Introduced in version:</translate>1.2.0
<translate> Deprecated in version:</translate>1.35.0 (Gerrit change 481950; git #a5d5ea82)
<translate> Removed in version:</translate><translate> still in use</translate>
<translate> Allowed values:</translate>(string)
<translate> Default value:</translate>Current MediaWiki version - you shouldn't change this!


The current version of MediaWiki (e.g, "1.38.4"). You shouldn't need to set this option; it is used internally.


Template:MW 1.35 Starting with MediaWiki 1.35, $wgVersion is deprecated, and replaced with the MW_VERSION constant. It is also available in MediaWiki 1.31.7, 1.33.3 and 1.34.1, though this should not be relied on as its presence is required for some release tools. $wgVersion will continue to function the same as before in those versions.

Example code

If you're implementing a new feature that only works in MediaWiki 1.19 or later, but you want to maintain backwards compatibility, you could use a test such as the following:

$oldVersion = version_compare( $wgVersion, '1.18', '<=' );
if ( $oldVersion ) {
    # Do stuff for MediaWiki 1.18 and older
} else {
    # Do stuff for MediaWiki 1.19 and newer

However, it is typically recommended that you use feature detection to see whether the method or class you wish to use is available instead of depending upon raw version strings.

See also