
From Bonkipedia


Yes All tests passed.

Name Expected Actual
Yes testConvertFormatString
Yes testGetFormatParts
Yes testProcessJson


Yes All tests passed.

Name Expected Actual
Yes testConvertFormatString
Yes testGetFormatParts
Yes testProcessJson

-- Unit tests for [[Module:TemplateDataDoc]]. Click talk page to run tests.

local ScribuntoUnit = require( 'Module:ScribuntoUnit' )
local suite = ScribuntoUnit:new()
local libName = 'TemplateDataDoc'

-- Helper to run all tests using sandbox version of the library from the debug console. To run against main lib, use
function suite.runSandbox()
    local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame():newChild{ title='testcases', args={ module=libName .. '/sandbox', displayMode='log' } }
    return frame )

-- Allow test runner to use the sandbox and the primary versions of the library with the same testcases
function suite:module()
    return require( 'Module:' .. ( self.frame and self.frame.args.module or libName ) )

-- Test convertFormatString
function suite:testConvertFormatString()
    local tt = self:module()

	local formatInline, flagInline = tt.convertFormatString( 'inline' )
    self:assertEquals( '{{_|_=_}}', formatInline )
    self:assertEquals( false, flagInline )

	local formatBlock, flagBlock = tt.convertFormatString( 'block' )
    self:assertEquals( '{{_\n| _ = _\n}}', formatBlock )
    self:assertEquals( true, flagBlock )

	local formatCustom, flagCustom = tt.convertFormatString( '{{ _ | _ = _ }}' )
    self:assertEquals( '{{ _ | _ = _ }}', formatCustom )
    self:assertEquals( false, flagCustom )

-- Test getFormatParts
function suite:testGetFormatParts()
    local tt = self:module()

	local flag1, start1, end1, paramKey1, paramValue1 = tt.getFormatParts( 'inline', 'Test' )
    self:assertEquals( false, flag1 )
    self:assertEquals( '{{Test', start1 )
    self:assertEquals( '}}', end1 )
    self:assertEquals( '|_=', paramKey1 )
    self:assertEquals( '_', paramValue1 )

	local flag2, start2, end2, paramKey2, paramValue2 = tt.getFormatParts( 'block', 'Test_2' )
    self:assertEquals( true, flag2 )
    self:assertEquals( '{{Test_2\n', start2 )
    self:assertEquals( '}}', end2 )
    self:assertEquals( '| _ =', paramKey2 )
    self:assertEquals( ' _\n', paramValue2 )

	local flag3, start3, end3, paramKey3, paramValue3 = tt.getFormatParts( '{{\n_\n|\n_\n=\n_\n}}\n', 'Test 3' )
    self:assertEquals( false, flag3 )
    self:assertEquals( '{{\nTest 3\n', start3 )
    self:assertEquals( '}}\n', end3 )
    self:assertEquals( '|\n_\n=', paramKey3 )
    self:assertEquals( '\n_\n', paramValue3 )

-- Test processJson
function suite:testProcessJson()
    local tt = self:module()

	local json = '{ "params": { "1": { "label": "1" }, "2": { "label": "2" } } }'
    local data = tt.processJson( json )
    self:assertEquals( 2, #data.params )

return suite