
From Bonkipedia

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Parse-pgn/doc

the purpose of this module is to provide pgn parsing 

main local function, called parsePgn:
input: either algebraic notation or full pgn of a single game
returns 4 - variables: 
* 1 table of positions (using FEN notation), opening, and one per each ply of the game
* 2 table of plys. each ply is a table, of one of the following forms:
	a. "move" { source:integer, destination:integer }: piece from source square to destination, may also capture 
	b. "en passant" { source, destination, captured:integer } 2 first like move, "capture" is the square index of captured pawn. 
	c. "promotion" { source, destination, promotion:character }: source disappears, new piece denoted by character lands on destination
        d. "castling": { king source, king destination }, { rook source, rook destination } }
    in all of the above, "source", destination" and "captured" are integers denoting a specific square. squares are counted such that a1 = 0, a2 = 1, b1 = 8, h8 = 63
* 3 notations: table of notations
* 4 pgn metadata


local BLACK = "black"
local WHITE = "white"
local PAWN  = "P"
local ROOK  = "R"
local KNIGHT = "N"
local BISHOP = "B"
local QUEEN = "Q"
local KING = "K"
local KINGSIDE = 7
local QUEENSIDE = 12
local DEFAULT_BOARD = 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR'

-- local bit32 = bit32 or require('bit32')

--[[ following lines require when running locally - uncomment. ]]
local mw = mw or {
	ustring = string,
	text = {
		['split'] = function(s, pattern)
			local res = {}
			while true do
				local start, finish = s:find(pattern)
				if finish and finish > 1 then
					local frag = s:sub(1, start - 1)
					table.insert(res, frag)
					s = s:sub(finish + 1) 
			if #s then table.insert(res, s) end
			return res
		['trim'] = function(t)
			t = type(t) == 'string' and t:gsub('^%s+', '') or ''
			t = t:gsub('%s+$', '')
			return t
--[[ comment end

-- in lua 5.3, unpack is not a first class citizen anymore, but - assign table.unpack
local unpack = unpack or table.unpack
local function apply(f, ...)
	res = {}
	targ = {...}
	for ind = 1, #targ do
		res[ind] = f(targ[ind])
	return unpack(res)

local function empty(s)
	return not s or mw.text.trim(s) == ''

local function falseIfEmpty(s)
	return not empty(s) and s

local function charToFile(ch)
	return falseIfEmpty(ch) and string.byte(ch) - string.byte('a')

local function charToRow(ch)
	return falseIfEmpty(ch) and tonumber(ch) - 1

local function indexToCoords(index)
	return index % 8, math.floor(index / 8)

local function coordsToIndex(file, row) 
	return row * 8 + file

local function charToPiece(letter)
	local piece = mw.ustring.upper(letter)
	return piece, piece == letter and WHITE or BLACK

local function pieceToChar(piece, color)
	return color == WHITE and piece or mw.ustring.lower(piece)

local function ambigToIndex(file, row)
	if row == nil then return file end
	return coordsToIndex(file, row)

local function enPassantRow(color)
	return color == WHITE and 5 or 2

local function sign(a)
	return a < 0 and -1 
		or a > 0 and 1 
		or 0

local function pieceAt(board, fileOrInd, row) -- called with 2 params, fileOrInd is the index, otherwise it's the file.
	local letter = board[ambigToIndex(fileOrInd, row)] 
	if not letter then return end
	return charToPiece(letter)

local function findPieces(board, piece, color)
	local result = {}
	local lookFor = pieceToChar(piece, color)
	for index = 0, 63 do
		local letter = board[index]
		if letter == lookFor then table.insert(result, index) end
	return result

local function roadIsClear(board, ind1, ind2)
	if ind1 == ind2 then error('call to roadIsClear with identical indices', ind1) end
	local file1, row1 = indexToCoords(ind1)
	local  file2, row2 = indexToCoords(ind2) 
	if (file1 - file2) * (row1 - row2) * (math.abs(row1 - row2) - math.abs(file1 - file2)) ~= 0 then
		error('sent two indices to roadIsClear which are not same row, col, or diagonal: ', ind1, ind2)
	local hdelta = sign(file2 - file1)
	local vdelta = sign(row2 - row1)
	local row, file = row1 + vdelta, file1 + hdelta
	while row ~= row2 or file ~= file2 do
		if pieceAt(board, file, row) then return false end
		row = row + vdelta
		file = file + hdelta
	return true

local function pawnCanMove(board, color, startFile, startRow, file, row, capture)
	local hor, ver = file - startFile, row - startRow
	local absVer = math.abs(ver)
	if capture then
		local ok = hor * hor == 1 and (
				color == WHITE and ver == 1 or
				color == BLACK and ver == - 1
		local enpassant = ok and
			row == enPassantRow(color) and 
			pieceAt(board, file, row) == nil
		return ok, enpassant
		if hor ~= 0 then return false end
	if absVer == 2 then
		if not roadIsClear(board, coordsToIndex(startFile, startRow), coordsToIndex(file, row)) then return false end
		return color == WHITE and startRow == 1 and ver == 2 or
			color == BLACK and startRow == 6 and ver == -2
	return color == WHITE and ver == 1 or color == BLACK and ver == -1

local function canMove(board, start, dest, capture, verbose)
	local startFile, startRow = indexToCoords(start) 
	local file, row = indexToCoords(dest)
	local piece, color = pieceAt(board, startFile, startRow)
	if piece == PAWN then return pawnCanMove(board, color, startFile, startRow, file, row, capture) end
	local dx, dy = math.abs(startFile - file), math.abs(startRow - row)
	return 	piece == KNIGHT and dx * dy == 2
--			or piece == KING and bit32.bor(dx, dy) == 1 
			or piece == KING and dx + dy > 0 and dx < 2 and dy < 2 
			or (
				piece == ROOK and dx * dy == 0 
				or piece == BISHOP and dx == dy 
				or piece == QUEEN and dx * dy * (dx - dy) == 0
			) and roadIsClear(board, start, dest, verbose)

local function exposed(board, color) -- only test for queen, rook, bishop.
	local king = findPieces(board, KING, color)[1]
	for ind = 1, 63 do
		local letter = board[ind]
		if letter then
			local _, pcolor = charToPiece(letter)
			if pcolor ~= color and canMove(board, ind, king, true) then
				return true 

local function clone(orig)
	local res = {}
	for k, v in pairs(orig) do res[k] = v end
	return res

local function place(board, piece, color, file, row) -- in case of chess960, we have to search
	board[ambigToIndex(file, row)] = pieceToChar(piece, color)
	return board

local function clear(board, file, row)
	board[ambigToIndex(file, row)] = nil
	return board

local function doCastle(board, color, side) 
	local row = color == WHITE and 0 or 7
	local startFile, step = 0, 1
	local kingDestFile, rookDestFile = 2, 3
	local king = findPieces(board, KING, color)[1]
	local rook
	if side == KINGSIDE then
		startFile, step = 7, -1
		kingDestFile, rookDestFile = 6, 5
	for file = startFile, 7 - startFile, step do -- this search for a rook makes parser chess960 capable.
		local piece = pieceAt(board, file, row)
		if piece == ROOK then
			rook = coordsToIndex(file, row)
	local kingDest = coordsToIndex(kingDestFile, row)
	local rookDest = coordsToIndex(rookDestFile, row)
	board[kingDest] = board[king]
	board[rookDest] = board[rook]
	board = clear(board, king)
	board = clear(board, rook)
	return board, { { king, kingDest }, { rook, rookDest } }

local function generateFen(board)
	local res = ''
	local offset = 0
	for row = 7, 0, -1 do
		for file = 0, 7 do
			piece = board[coordsToIndex(file, row)]
			res = res .. (piece or '1')
		if row > 0 then res = res .. '/' end
	return (res:gsub('1+', function( s ) return #s end )) 

local function findCandidate(board, piece, color, oldFile, oldRow, file, row, capture, notation)
	local enpassant = {}
	local candidates, newCands = findPieces(board, piece, color), {} -- all black pawns or white kings etc.
	if oldFile or oldRow then 
		local newCands = {}
		for _, cand in ipairs(candidates) do
			local file, row = indexToCoords(cand)
			if file == oldFile then table.insert(newCands, cand) end
			if row == oldRow then table.insert(newCands, cand) end
		candidates, newCands = newCands, {}
	local dest = coordsToIndex(file, row)
	for _, candidate in ipairs(candidates) do
		local can
		can, enpassant[candidate] = canMove(board, candidate, dest, capture)
		if can then table.insert(newCands, candidate) end

	candidates, newCands = newCands, {}
	if #candidates == 1 then return candidates[1], enpassant[candidates[1]] end
	if #candidates == 0 then 
		error('could not find a piece that can execute ' .. notation) 
	-- we have more than one candidate. this means that all but one of them can't really move, b/c it will expose the king 
	-- test for it by creating a new board with this candidate removed, and see if the king became exposed
	for _, candidate in ipairs(candidates) do 
		local cloneBoard = clone(board) -- first, clone the board
		cloneBoard = clear(cloneBoard, candidate) -- now, remove the piece
		if not exposed(cloneBoard, color) then table.insert(newCands, candidate) end
	candidates, newCands = newCands, {}
	if #candidates == 1 then return candidates[1] end
	error(mw.ustring.format('too many (%d, expected 1) pieces can execute %s at board %s', #candidates, notation, generateFen(board)))

local function move(board, notation, cleanNotation, color)
	local pattern = '([RNBKQ]?)([a-h]?)([1-8]?)(x?)([a-h])([1-8])(=?[RNBKQ]?)'
	local _, _, piece, oldFile, oldRow, isCapture, file, row, promotion = mw.ustring.find(cleanNotation, pattern)
	oldFile, file = apply(charToFile, oldFile, file) 
	oldRow, row = apply(charToRow, oldRow, row)
	local destination, ply = coordsToIndex(file, row)
	piece = falseIfEmpty(piece) or PAWN
	promotion = falseIfEmpty(promotion)
	isCapture = falseIfEmpty(isCapture)
	local candidate, enpassant = findCandidate(board, piece, color, oldFile, oldRow, file, row, isCapture, notation) -- findCandidates should panic if # != 1
	local moving = board[candidate]
	if enpassant then
		oldFile, oldRow = indexToCoords(candidate) 
		local captured = coordsToIndex(file, oldRow)
		board[destination] = moving
		board = clear(board, candidate)
		board = clear(board, captured)
		ply = { candidate, destination, captured }
	elseif promotion then
		local promoted = pieceToChar(promotion:sub(-1), color)
		board[destination] = promoted
		board = clear(board, candidate)
		ply = { candidate, destination, promoted }
		board[destination] = moving
		board = clear(board, candidate)
		ply = { candidate, destination }
	return board, ply

local function create( fen )
	-- converts FEN notation to 64 entry array of positions. copied from enwiki Module:Chessboard (in some distant past i prolly wrote it)
	local res = {}
	local row = 8
	-- Loop over rows, which are delimited by /
	for srow in string.gmatch( "/" .. fen, "/%w+" ) do
	srow = srow:sub(2)
		row = row - 1
		local ind = row * 8
		-- Loop over all letters and numbers in the row
		for piece in srow:gmatch( "%w" ) do
			if piece:match( "%d" ) then -- if a digit
				ind = ind + piece
			else -- not a digit
				res[ind] = piece
				ind = ind + 1
	return res

local function processMeta(grossMeta) 
	res = {}
	-- process grossMEta here
	for item in mw.ustring.gmatch(grossMeta or '', '%[([^%]]*)%]') do
		key, val = item:match('([^"]+)"([^"]*)"')
		if key and val then
			res[mw.text.trim(key)] = mw.text.trim(val) -- add mw.text.trim()
			error('strange item detected: ' .. item .. #items) -- error later
	return res

local function preprocess(pgn)
	local grossMeta = pgn:match('%[(.*)%]') -- first open to to last bracket 
	pgn = string.gsub(pgn, '%[(.*)%]', '')
	local steps = mw.text.split(pgn, '%s*%d+%.%s*')
	local moves = {}
	for _, step in ipairs(steps) do
		if mw.ustring.len(mw.text.trim(step)) then
			ssteps = mw.text.split(step, '%s+')
			for _, sstep in ipairs(ssteps) do 
				if sstep and not mw.ustring.match(sstep, '^%s*$') then table.insert(moves, sstep) end
	return processMeta(grossMeta), moves

local function parsePgn(pgn)
	local metadata, notationList = preprocess(pgn)
	for k,v in pairs(metadata) do print(k, v) end
	for k,v in pairs(notationList) do print(k, v) end
	local fen = metadata.FEN or DEFAULT_BOARD
	local board = create(fen)
	local boards = {fen}
	local plys, ply = {}
	local colors = {BLACK, WHITE} 
	local endGame = {['1-0']=true, ['0-1']=true, ['1/2-1/2']=true, ['*']=true}

	for step, notation in ipairs(notationList) do
		local cleanNotation = notation:gsub('[!?+# ]', '')
		if endGame[cleanNotation] then break end
		local color = colors[step % 2 + 1]
		if cleanNotation == 'O-O' then
			board, ply = doCastle(board, color, KINGSIDE)
		elseif cleanNotation == 'O-O-O' then
			board, ply = doCastle(board, color, QUEENSIDE)
			board, ply = move(board, notation, cleanNotation, color)
		table.insert(boards, generateFen(board))
		table.insert(plys, ply)
	return boards, plys, notationList, metadata

return {
	parsePgn = parsePgn,