
From Bonkipedia


Este modelo oferece um modo unificado para apresentar a informação básica sobre os eventos.

Como parte de um calendário (tabela)

This template can also be used to list several events assembled into a calendar, in conjunction with {{event header}} and {{table footer}}:

{{Event header}}
| date = 
| enddate = (optional)
| type = pick among: IRL, meeting, QA-features, QA-browser, QA-freshbugs, QA-oldbugs, other
| description = 
| contact = 
{{Table footer}}
{{Event header}}
| date = 2013-08-07
| enddate = 2013-08-11
| type = IRL
| description = [[wm2013:|Wikimania 2013]] (Hong Kong, China)
| contact = [[wm2013:Contact|Wikimania 2013 team]]
| date = 2013-09-12
| type = QA-freshbugs
| description = Triage of fresh bugs
| contact = [[User:AKlapper (WMF)|Andre Klapper]]
{{Table footer}}
irá mostrar:
Date Type Event Contact
7 August 2013–11 August 2013 IRL (physical) meet-ups and conferences Wikimania 2013 (Hong Kong, China) Equipa da Wikimania 2013
12 September 2013 Fresh bugs Triage of fresh bugs Andre Klapper


Supported times
This template supports any time supported by the {{#time:}} parser function.
Tipos de evento suportados
Os ícones são parte do conjunto de Projeto:Identidade Visual.
Type code Icon Used for
IRL Community Noun project 2280.svg Physical meetings, conferences, workshops
meeting Noun project 2472.svg Online meetings and chats
QA-features Hammer - Noun project 1306.svg Features testing
QA-browser Noun project 8974.svg Browser testing
QA-freshbugs Bug icon - Noun project 198.svg Fresh bugs
QA-oldbugs Spider Web - Noun project 813.svg Old bugs
other Calendar Noun project 1194.svg Other events

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