Template:PD Help Page

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Revision as of 22:08, 11 January 2022 by [[mw:]]>Arlolra
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PD Note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution under the CC0. See Public Domain Help Pages for more info.
Template documentation

Project:PD help notice.


  • {{PD Help Page}}
PD Note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution under the CC0. See Public Domain Help Pages for more info.
  • {{PD Help Page|imported=1}}
PD Note: When you edit this page, you agree to release your contribution under the CC0. See Public Domain Help Pages for more info.
Some old revisions for this page were imported under CC BY-SA license. Only new contributions are PD.


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This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools.

PD Help Page

Notice for Public Domain help pages.

Template parameters

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

Imported under CC-BY-SA?imported

Whether some old revisions for this page were imported under the CC‑BY-SA license.

Auto value