Alternate Social Media Sites

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Revision as of 02:35, 19 November 2022 by ShadowNAFO (talk | contribs)

Alternate Social Media Sites and How to Find Your #NAFO Fellas

The plan is to stay on Twitter until the ship goes down. But if the ship goes down a lot faster than we expect, or all of a sudden crashes, here's a collected list of places Fellas might want to check out to find the NAFO community.

Please note that this is a public wiki and this page is currently unlocked, so please add to it if there is something we missed.

As always, Bonkipedia is a tool, not a source of authority, so please don't think we are trying to replace any official NAFO communications.


If Twitter suddenly fails, this is most likely where official information will come from.

Link to official NAFO Discord:


I don't know Mastodon very well, so if someone wants to update this section on how to use it or find people.

Dedicated NAFO Instance:

Trying to find people you follow / your followers? Debirdify is a great application to sift through your list of followed / followers to find out if there is an equivalent account on Mastodon. It is not a perfect system, but it is automatic, and probably a good place to start.

Check out the List of Mastodon Accounts page to see if someone has listed their account.


Check out the #NAFOgram hashtag on Telegram to find your fellas.

Check out the List of Telegram Accounts page for people to list their telegram accounts


NAFO Centric Reddit:

Combat footage (not Ukraine exclusive):
